Gift Drop-In Classes & Social Dancing

Gift Drop-In Classes & Social Dancing

from $12.94

1 week pass: $12.94
2 week pass: $25.88
4 week pass: $51.76

Dance: the gift that keeps on giving! The 1, 2, and 4 week passes grant the recipient admission to our drop-in classes and social dancing. Anybody can join our drop-in classes, whether you’re a “never danced before” beginner, an “I’ve got my basics” dancer, or a “give me more tricks!” dancer. All are welcome at social dancing regardless of skill level.

Gift cards are delivered electronically and your recipient will use the code on their virtual “card” to pay for a dance on our registration page (we recommend doing so on a personal device before arriving as we do not have a way to process gift cards on site).

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